AMPHTML ads instead of HTML5

Don’t worry if your google ads account does not support HTML5 ads.

We can create AMPHTML ads for you from scratch.

In fact, a lot of people have the same issue. Now its time to switch over to AMPHTML. You need to publish the ads in AMPHTML format instead of HTML5.

It’s a little annoying to have to revise the ads but worth it because it help load the page faster.

We from AdsSpirit can help you shine online with AMPHTML ads and communicate your idea and messages to connect with your clients.



  • fast loading
  • all area are clickable

HTML5 ads(Rich Media)

  • multiple click events
  • Creative type – allow large size

The benefits of AMPHTML (AMP framework).

– The trick is the same as HTML5 ads – to express your ideas in a striking way that engages the Customers.
– AMPHTML are rendered into a more performant same-origin iframe, which results in faster loading ads instead of HTML5 ads – perfect for on mobile, iOS and Android. In fact, an AMPHTML ad delivers better viewability and CTR (click-through rates).
– Now Google displaying AMPHTML banners on non-AMP pages.
– A .88% increase in impressions and resulted in a 27% CTR increase (According to Google’s notes).

GET Startet

Need AMPHTML for your Google Ads campaign. Send us your own assets and briefing details:

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